
The Congregation of the “Ursulines of Mary Immaculate of Piacenza” was founded by Blessed Brigida Morello of Jesus in 1649 at Piacenza, in Northern Italy. Brigida was a prophet of her times as she responded to the needs of an age where materialism and power had influenced even the Christian doctrine and faith adversely. With a small band of women, moved by the love of God, she pioneered the formal education of women, preparing them to love God and to become true Christian Mothers.

The Charism left by Brigida can be summed up in: “Identification with Christ Crucified and Risen”.

She is always portrayed with a Crucifix in her hand implying that following Jesus Crucified is the only way to holiness. Her Christo-centric spirituality stemmed from her contemplation of the Mystery of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of the Saviour, from her love of Jesus in the Eucharist and from her tender devotion to Mother Mary, the Immaculate. A precious heritage indeed!

We, as Ursulines, daughters of Blessed Brigida, live our consecration to the Lord and carry out the mission entrusted to us by the Church, living in communities where we find space to pray, think, plan and work in a style of hospitality, reciprocity, mutual caring and on a path of ‘life-long’ learning.

Our Mission as Ursulines of Mary Immaculate, wherever we are, rooted in the inherited Charism, consists of, participation in the mission of the Church, desirous of establishing God’s Kingdom in human society, through the evangelical witness of our life and through the promotion of God’s justice, peace and love for all people.

Today, we identify ourselves with the suffering humanity: the sick, the marginalized, the illiterate, the oppressed and especially with women and children. We give our service through the ministries of education, of healing and in socio-pastoral activities.

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